
How to retouch dreadlocks : Step by step instructions to Retwist dreads new growth

This step by step instructions will teach you how to retouch dreadlocks, dreads should be retwisted after every two month, this helps to get rid of new hair growth that loosen the dreadlocks.

Hold the dread or section firmly in one hand with your thumb and forefinger as shown on the video below.

Use the other hand to push the hook through the dread and out the otherside, grab the hair and pull it back into the dreadlocks, once the hair is inside the dreadlock twist the hook slightly.
That process ensures that the locking process happen inside the dreadlock, it also helps to release the hair.

How to Install dreadlocks on Short or Long Natural Hair

Step by step instructions to retwist dreads and get rid of new growth when Retouching dreadlocks.
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