
Scary Muslim Religious Rituals & Initiation Rites

The most Scary Muslim Religious Ritual & Initiation Rite. 

  • Convert non-Muslims Through Rape.

Although Imams that are not under the sway of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (the notorious ISIS), such as Ajmal Masroor, condemn this as a desecration of Islamic law instead of something with a legitimate basis in the Quran, in October of 2015 it was reported that ISIS terrorists had begun performing mass rapes with the evil claim that doing so would convert the non-Muslims, such as the Yazidi people. According to a statement issued by Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, if a woman is raped by 10 different terrorists, then she will become a follower of Allah.
most Scary Muslim Religious Ritual and Initiation Rite.
most Scary Muslim Religious Ritual and Initiation Rite. 

Making the situation even worse for victims of this is that they came from communities that did not have progressive attitudes, so merely not shaming these women for being victims was a step forward. At least there’s the fact that this action on the part of ISIS has been cited as evidence that they were deeply desperate for new recruits after an air offensive by Russia, however sincere their religious convictions were.
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